Friday, April 8, 2016

Meditation & Eclectic Spirituality, Volume 7

I wrote Sunburned: A Blog Series About Spirituality while doing research for War & Grace, the final installment in my epic fantasy trilogy Daughter of Light. Neither the book nor the series is about meditation, they are about consciousness ... and I suppose, a spirituality/worldview beyond the commonly accepted religions that claim our present world ... ummm ... attention and devotions. But ... so ... anyway, meditation IS a great way of experiencing, exploring, and evolving your own personal consciousness ... thus, I've been posting links to articles about meditation (and spirituality) from around the web every Friday.


What Can & Can't Be Taught: I totally agree: Meditation is deeply personal.

Neurobiological changes explain how mindfulness meditation improves health: Yet another study proves meditation actually ch-ch-changes your brain.

Mrs. Madhavi and the art of Meditation: If Mrs. Madhavi had been my geometry teacher, she would probably have been my favorite, too.

Calming the teenage mind in the classroom: Meditation is a life skill. Haven't we all, a decade or so out of school, moaned and groaned about how so many of the really important things just weren't taught in school? Teaching meditation to teenagers is great because it gives them a free, easily accessible approach to increasing their quality of life. Plus, most, all? religions have contemplative practices ... so ... why not?

Prison Yoga: Is Meditation the Cure for Recidivism: "Apparently there is a high demand for a higher consciousness. There is a one-year wait list for yoga classes at San Quentin, one of the largest prisons in the nation."

The Top 10 Cities for Meditation in The U.S.: Yes, I really have lived in two of them: Austin, TX & San Diego, CA. Yes, I began meditating when I lived in Austin ... all those years ago ... Coincidence?

mindfulness, meditation, yoga and the united states constitution: Just in case you were wondering ...

The Supreme Court has not yet decided whether moments of silence are constitutional, although they did strike down an Alabama law that required a mandatory moment of silence for meditation or voluntary prayer. After looking at the law's legistaltive history, and how it was implemented, the court decided that the Alabama statute didn't have a secular purpose.

Many States have enacted moment of silence laws, and some of them make moments of silence mandatory. Lower courts have held that neutrally crafted moments of silence statutes are constitutional and a number of constitiuonal scholars believe that the Supreme Court will agree.

Okey, dokey.
A Blog Series About Spirituality

If you'd like to submit a link for a Friday post, please email me at Heidi _ g @ comcast . net, thanks!