Meditation not limited to Buddhist spirituality: I am not sure who Michelle Conover is (sorry!) but the salient point is: Many people of all faiths throughout the world meditate — even atheists.
Spiritual but not religious?: The highlight of this piece? I had no idea that "spiritual but not religious" had become an acronym: SBNR
Science finally proves that meditation helps make your body markedly less stressed: It's all about changes in the neural networks: Scans from the group that meditated showed greater measures of connectivity through parts of the brain associated with calmness and stress.
5 Ideal Yoga Destinations in India: Some of these were just added to my: To Visit Someday list!
Why Science is Ultimately Spiritual, and Vice Versa: This is the future. Period.
No matter where science and spirituality go, their ultimate unity is inescapable. That realization is likely to grow more powerful in the coming years, as physics and cosmology are taken to the very horizon of dimensionless being.
Why insurance should cover meditation: Yep. Uh-huh. Not just cost-effective, also life-effective.
Meditating on life: Getting down to the basics.
If you'd like to submit a link for a Friday post, please email me at Heidi _ g @ comcast . net, thanks!