Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Fearless Journey's & Epic Transformations

Look what's coming...

In November we'll be redesigning the website around my new logo!
What do you think?!?!?

If there's anything I believe in it's:

Fearless Journeys & Epic Transformations

The main character in each of my stories takes a fearless journey or experiences an epic transformation; some do both!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

I'm so Excited!

I'm so excited...

Even though every project is taking longer than I expected!

I Am Lily Dane ... will not be released on November 1st, but it will be released in November!

The very special Cupcakes & Kisses will not be released on November 18th, it will be released in early December.

Half Mortal will be released in January. I promise it will be worth the wait.

And there are a few more surprises on their way.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

I Am Lily Dane by Heidi Garret

I'm so excited! Guess what is coming in February 2014?

ABOUT I Am Lily Dane:

Lily Dane is a bright light. A spiritually barren, consuming flame, she befriends girls whose inner lives are rich with dreams and compelling desire. Their unapologetic souls fascinate her. However, Lily’s interest in her peers isn’t friendly, she’s obsessed with the machinations of crushing their spirits.

Lily also has a shadow who is sentient. A freak of nature? An abomination? Who knows? But Lily’s shadow is consumed with stopping the emotional and psychological devastation its host always leaves in her wake.

I Am Lily Dane, A Horrific Fairy Tale is a psychologically dark retelling of Han’s Christian Andersen’s “The Shadow".

Saturday, October 4, 2014

I'm Going to be There...

So please come by and say Hi!

Friday, October 3, 2014

Susan at the Book Bag Celebrates her 1000th Blog Post!

Susan at The Book Bag has reached the amazing milestone of 1000 blog posts! To give you some perspective, my blog has 185 posts to date. The Book Bag has 815 more posts than that! Certainly, something to celebrate. And Susan is doing it right with a GINORMOUS giveaway.
You can enter to win over 30 books, a $20 Amazon Gift Card, and a cute book bag. So don't miss this party! Join in the celebration HERE!