Heidi Garrett writes metaphysical and visionary fiction in the epic fantasy and contemporary fairy tale genres.
She's the author of Daughter of Light, a fantasy trilogy about a young half-faerie, half-mortal searching for her place in the Whole. She's also the author of the contemporary fairy tale novella collection, Once Upon a Time Today. In these stand-alone retellings of popular and obscure fairy tales, adult characters navigate the deep woods of the modern landscape to find their Happily Ever Afters.
Heidi has also collaborated with B. J. Limpin on the yummy paranormal romance, Cupcakes & Kisses.
Heidi was born in Texas, and in an attempt to reside in as many cities in that state as she could, made it to Houston, Lubbock, Austin, and El Paso. After spending a decade in Southern California, she now lives in Eastern Washington state with her husband, their two cats, her laptop, and her Kindle. Being from the South, she often contemplates the magic of snow.