
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

#AskELJames Twitter Chat

I haven't read Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James. Nor have I seen the movie. However, I confess I've done some rubbernecking.The best I can tell from the sidelines, Fifty Shades of Grey has achieved what Larry Flint could not. Making the sexual degradation of woman: Hot, Sexy, Fairy Tale-ish. Who says women aren't better pimps than men?

Anyway ... I couldn't help but grin when I caught wind of the #AskELJames Twitter chat yesterday.

It started like this:
Because she got some questions like this:

Which apparently, she didn't answer.

Honestly, if E.L. James had risen to the occasion and answered some of these very legitimate questions, I think it would have been awesome, a real publicity coup.

#Disappointed that she did not.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Fantasy Book Lane Reviews Half Faerie

Last week I shared Erica Lane's review of Isolt's Enchantment. This week I'm going to share her review of Half Faerie...

Let me begin by saying this is an immense fantasy world complete with old tales and legends. A lot of thought has gone into creating this world, and it really shows. Present are faeries, pixies, elves, brownies, and trolls. There are some pretty cool cat characters with distinct personalities, along with a goat that is smarter than some people. Add in some dwarves who love to cook (who I thought were just plain awesome), and you’ve got a rich fairy tale world. The presence of pixies and animal characters might give one the impression that this book is intended for children, but it definitely isn’t. The plot is complex, as are the characters, making this a high fantasy fairy tale fit for adults.

To read the rest of the review please visit Fantasy Book Lane.

Thank you, Erica!

Add Half Faerie to your Goodreads Shelf

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Fantasy Book Lane Reviews Isolt's Enchantment

Erica Lane at Fantasy Book Lane has reviewed Isolt's Enchantment. Thank you, Erica!

Young Ryder learns the epic histories of the Realm of Faerie and longs to travel there himself. First and foremost, this book is a teaser to entice readers to enjoy more books in the series. I grabbed this on a free download, and I must say that it certainly served its purpose. This is a delightful teaser, and I’d love to read more of the story...

Read the rest of the review at Fantasy Book Lane!

I love fantasy and appreciate that Erica focuses on fantasy as a reviewer. It makes her reviews especially thoughtful, as she has a broad knowledge of the genre. If you write fantasy as well, visit her Review Policy page here.
The Daughter of Light prequel Isolt's Enchantment is Free

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Feeding the Inner Realms: Link Roundup

Some of my favorite forms of stories are: fairy tales, epic fantasies, gothic (my latest obsession!) and magical realism. I find the inner realms of the human psyche to be some of the most fascinating terrain on the planet. Seriously. I'm not one of those drawn to outer space, which is probably why I often skirt science fiction—well, at least space operas, etc.—it's those infinite and mysterious inner landscapes that call me. They always have.

I love when the things we cannot see, but KNOW are given substance in a story's "reality;  buried emotions, fulcrums of psychological entrenchment and surrender, the gossamer thread of interior relationships, nourishment and destruction of the human spirit ... I know, that stuff is present in all fiction—to a degree—but it's given more weight when supernatural elements are present.

In that vein, I'll be posting a link roundup to feed the inner realms on the first of every month.

Five hundred new fairy tales discovered in Germany a Grimm contemporary

One Artist Rips Open Grimms' Fairy Tales to Reveal Their Gruesome, Feminist Roots
depicting the subversive fairy tale

Alexander McQueen: Fashion' dark fairytale goth + fairytale + fashion = brilliant

This Teacher is Using Fairy Tales to Teach Kids about Gay Rights and Gender Equality is it right to kiss a princess while she is sleeping?

Grimms' fairy tales: the hardcore version fairy tales in the raw

Fairytale Book Covers by Latvian Artist Aniko Kolesnikova gorgeously intense

Russia's Wild Animals Meet Fairytale Photograpy ten stunning images

Western Fairytales Get a Korean Makeover in Gorgeous Illustrations east meets west

"Into the Woods" review: A fairy-tale worth entering a dark, exquisitely enchanting pleasure

Happily Never After: The 10 Worst Fairy Tale Movies tough critic!

Match the Iconic Fairy Tale Symbols to the Movie quiz, courtesy of Disney (my score: 80!)

Top 10 facts about fairy tales possible plots for fairy tales—only 2,399?!?

Fairytale logic the urban dictionary